1. You lose It every day

The body does not store water, so it is important to keep replenishing it, says Simone Austin, accredited practising dietitian and spokeswoman for the Dietitians Association of Australia.

“You lose water through breathing, in your urine and through your skin by sweating, ” she says. “The human body can last three weeks without food but only days without water — it is absolutely essential.”

2. It speeds up your metabolism

“The body needs adequate hydration and flow of blood to carry away the waste products created by metabolic processes, ” says Melissa Hohaia, naturopath at Perth Natural Medical Clinic.

“If your body is dehydrated, the waste products cannot be efficiently removed and your metabolic rate slows down to minimise their accumulation.”

3. It helps you look good

Ms Austin says water is very important for skin health and appearance because as we age, our skin loses fluid and becomes less hydrated.

“Remember, 60 to 70 per cent of your body is made of water, ” she says.

4. It can prevent overeating

Ms Hohaia says the signals that our body sends for hunger can be very easily confused with the thirsty signals.

“If we misinterpret these signals and respond with food, then we are not allowing for adequate hydration and could ingest far more food than we actually need, ” she says.

Tip: When you feel hungry, drink a glass of water, wait 20 minutes and then reassess the hunger.

5. It helps your concentration

Ms Austin says even 2 per cent dehydration can impact your concentration — and the more dehydrated you become, the more your concentration will reduce.

6. It gives you more energy

“Water is essential for the efficient delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen to our cells, ” explains Ms Hohaia. She says, without it, your body might be sluggish.

7. It keeps the urinary tract healthy

Ms Austin says water helps clear bacteria from the bladder.

“For women particularly, adequate water intake can reduce the risk of urinary-tract infection.”

8. It keeps your joints moving

Ms Hohaia says water is an essential component of the fluid found in our joints.

“If your body is lacking water, this fluid can become less than ideal and result in stiff and sore joints, ” she says. “Water also lubricates and moistens other tissues found in the nose, mouth and eyes.”

9. It keeps you regular

We all know fibre is important to keep us regular, but Ms Hohaia says a common cause of constipation can be simply a lack of water in the body. “Without sufficient water intake, our body extracts more-than-ideal quantities of water from our bowel — resulting in hard, dried-out stools that can be very uncomfortable, ” she says.

10. It cleans your body from the inside

Ms Hohaia says the kidneys and liver rely on water to assist in flushing out waste products.

“Water is a convenient and vital element for healthy detoxification, ” she explains.

How much water?

Dietitian Simone Austin says depending on your weight, she would recommend females drink eight glasses per day and for men to drink 10 glasses per day. (250ml of water makes up one glass).


- Look at the colour of your urine: If it is dark and has odour, chances are you need to increase water intake.

- Drink before you get thirsty: You shouldn’t be terribly thirsty.

- Download an app: They can remind you to drink water.

- Replenish: After you visit the bathroom have a drink of water; you have just lost fluid so it needs to be replaced.

- Have it with you: Keep a glass of water or bottle on your desk.

- Don’t like the taste of water? Try adding sliced lemon or orange to it.

- Although water is the best choice, some other beverage choices to rehydrate include: weak cups of tea, herbal teas and plain milk.


© The West Australian

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