In the hope of helping to streamline your beauty pack, I’ve narrowed down the 10 make-up essentials you can’t go on holiday without.

Never let your make-up stop you from impromptu swimming or beach visits.

You won’t want to wear a full heavy coverage while you are away, so this is the perfect base.

The ultimate product! Not only will this be flexible to use on our cheeks but we can take it over the lips as well. And on those balmy nights, blend a small amount into the crease of the eye for a subtle pop.

An excellent addition for those lovely evening dinners. A subtle sweep of liner can create some definition around the eye. And because it is waterproof, it won’t run down your face in hot and humid conditions.

Preferably with some aloe vera extract. A light moisturising lotion for face and body can help relieve sunburn and will keep your skin hydrated.

This will keep your lips well hydrated. Pop the conditioner over your tint to give it a glossy finish.

Firstly, be sure to get your lashes (and brows) tinted before your trip. This way you won’t need to worry about even wearing mascara or it running. A waterproof mascara is your backup.

Take one bright lipstick with you, in a colour you wouldn’t normally wear — try peachy or coral tones. This is a great addition to dress up poolside cocktails without getting carried away.

Don’t take all your beloved make-up brushes away with you — if there is one thing I’ve learnt from travelling with make-up, it’s that a brush is always left behind. Downsize to a small travelling brush set for your holiday.

One can never have enough bronzer or illuminator — use this on the cheeks, shoulders and even over the eyes for a subtle sun-kissed look.

It is one of those products I know, the minute I leave it at home, I will need it. Don’t use it unless you need it but take it with you just in case.

It’s very hard to downsize make-up essentials but resist the temptation to pack all your kit and use your holiday as a chance to allow your skin some time to breathe.


© The West Australian

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