In today’s extremely competitive business environment, it is essential to show customers that they are valued because, if not, there are always other competing businesses that will and they will take that customer.


In the worst case scenario a business losing one customer will have a flow on effect that will see hundreds of others follow suit after reading a bad review from that first unhappy customer. Businesses survive and thrive because of good customer service; there is simply no way around it.

McKenzie Holland specialises in a personalised form of direct marketing which involves connecting with consumers on a face-to-face basis.

This not only helps to create long-lasting and personal relationships between brand and consumer but McKenzie Holland believe that it offers the best customer service available. By connecting with consumers one-on-one the firm are able to answer all questions and accurately demonstrate their clients’ brands, services or products.

The firm can also resolve any problems quickly and without any miscommunication. This often leads to increased lead generation, brand loyalty and customer acquisition for their clients.

McKenzie Holland has outlined the mistakes that they believe damages a brand’s customer service:

Trying to win an argument

No, the customer isn’t always right but trying to prove them wrong can damage the reputation of the business. If a fight with a customer leaves them angry enough to share their frustrations in the form of online negative reviews it will be much harder to attract new clients.

Standing by policies – No matter what

Policies exist for a reason but at the same time every situation is different so there needs to be some flexibility built into policies. However, if the answer is no, make sure that representatives are trained to treat customers with dignity in the process.

Failing to keep promises

No matter which representative the customer speaks to, they identify that person with the brand. So if someone makes them a promise and fails to keep it, it wasn’t that individual who let them down, it was the entire brand. If this situation arises, do not make excuses – apologise and make an effort to rebuild trust with that customer.

Failing to listen to customers

Listening to customers gives a brand the insight needed to understand what it is that customer really needs. Once the brand knows this, overall customer satisfaction will go through the roof.

Being unavailable to customers

Make sure customers can always reach the brand preferably via phone, email or live chat so that they can always get help. Failing to do this will make the business look lazy and as if they don’t care about the customer experience.

Treating employees poorly and then expecting them to treat customers well

Customer service results are often powered by a trickle-down effect that goes from management to staff to client. If staff isn’t treated well, they can’t be expected to treat customers the way they deserve to be treated. The happier the employee, the greater the customer service, the more satisfied the client.


McKenzie Holland specialize in a unique marketing service that delivers a high ROI to their clients. For more information Follow @McKenzieHollan on Twitter and 'Like' them on Facebook.


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