Makes 1 very large, 2 medium, or 4 small puddings

1 packet Oreo biscuits, broken into rough pieces

100g chocolate-covered almonds

100g chocolate fruit and nut mix

100g Clinkers

200g marshmallows

100g Ripe Raspberry lollies

300g Nestle milk chocolate baking melts

300g Nestle dark chocolate baking melts

100g Nestle white chocolate baking melts

spearmint leaf lollies to decorate


Tip all the lollies, nuts and biscuit pieces (except a few raspberries to decorate the pudding tops), into a large bowl. Melt the dark and milk chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave. Stir into the pudding mix and spoon into a large pudding basin, two medium basins or four small basins. Allow to cool at room temperature. This might be overnight. Turn out the pudding by dipping it in very hot water and running a flat-bladed knife around the edge. Melt the white chocolate and spoon over the top. Decorate with a raspberry lolly and two spearmint leaves.


  • You can double or triple the recipe to make more small puddings to give away. I have used compound chocolate because it doesn’t need to be tempered and wont get a white bloom, but if you prefer to go the true chocolate route you will need to find instructions to temper chocolate and follow them carefully. Line bowls with gladwrap or dip them in hot water for easy retrieval.


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